Saturday, 17 October 2015

THE WORLD I LIVE IN - design sheet

Here are 2 design sheets. After my artist studies and secondary research, the step towards the final piece began with these designs. Both are inspired by the styles of my chosen artists. The first is a drawing of myself reminiscent of Alex Grey's work and the second is a mixture of his and Da Vinci's famous, Virtruvian man. These will be the basis for my development and ideas for the final piece.

Monday, 12 October 2015

THE WORLD I LIVE IN - lino cut + prints (print making workshop)

After completing my first design sheet leading to the final piece and creating a lino cut of it, I printed 11 pieces. This has helped me understand better how to print and what colours are best for my final piece. After this I realised that a Lino print would be best for my final piece to this project.
The black prints, although too plain for what I want, we're a good starting point. The first is a simple block colour and for the second I attempted a fading effect.
In purple, the fade looks more effective and the one below is another attempt at a simple block colour print.
The prints above are my favourite and have the effects I would use for a final set of prints.
The colour mixing on the green/pink prints were a good experimentation for colour mixing. This effect will be involved in my final prints; although the colours will be different and 

Thursday, 8 October 2015

THE WORLD I LIVE IN - secondary research

On the top left are comic characters Batman and Superman of whom are relevant to me as they are pop culture icons that often appear in my life. Below them is the character, the joker, I find the character very fun to draw and know alot about him. I have used ink and coloured pen for these studies. Next to him is a drawing of the famous movie Alien. I decided to draw this as it helps show my love for films and practical effects (drawn in pencil). On the top right is a drawing of a scene from the movie, Mad Max fury road (one of my favourite films). I have drawn this in pencil and coloured pencil. Below is a portrait of the singer, Maynard James Keenan from the band, TOOL. I have recently taken alot of inspiration from the band, and the image i have copied is from my favourite live performance of them. The lyrics next to him are from the band's most well known track, Sober. I have drawn this in pencil. The best part about this mood board is the ink in water effect, it reduces the amount of blank space as it binds the background together and separates the drawings to reduce cluster. I regret, however, that there isn't enough room for other inspirations in my life that I wanted to include.

Monday, 5 October 2015

THE WORLD I LIVE IN - ceramics workshop

A clay figure of myself produced in the ceramics workshop.
After making measurements to determine the right proportions, I rolled the clay, cut out the shape of me and added more clay to the limbs to add depth before adding the details. It was then put in the kiln and finished. this is the outcome..
Unfortunately, air pockets in the clay caused it to explode and nothing was left of the body. 

THE WORLD I LIVE IN - (3) artist research

Here is an artist research sheet on the contemporary artist, Alex Grey. I have chosen this artist because I find his paintings interesting and I would like to incorporate certain elements from them in my final piece for this project.

Artist research sheet on the graffiti and street artist, Kid Acne. I have chosen this artist because he is relevant to the area where I live as his work can be found around Sheffield.

I have produced copies of Leonardo Da Vinci's sketches in this artist research sheet. I have chosen this artist because I take great inspiration from him and find his style similar to mine. I would like to incorporate elements of his drawings onto my design sheets for the final piece.